Dusky Shark

Dusky Shark
Carcharhinus obscurus
Life History
Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: First dorsal fin sloping, originating over or slightly before free tips of pectoral fins. Second dorsal fin with free tip length rarely more than twice fin height. They are gray or bluish-gray above, white below and have and interdorsal ridge.
Size: Can get up to around 12 feet
Age at Maturity: Around 8½ feet
Range: Cape Cod and Georges Bank to Florida, also the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
Habitat: Continental waters inshore to outer continental shelf and adjacent oceanic waters.
Angling Information
Bait and Tackle: Fresh dead fish or a fresh chunk of cut bait works well. Medium to heavy ocean outfits are highly recommended.
Fishing Method: Drift, still fishing
Food Value: Good
State Regulation
Daily Limit: No Harvest