Little Tunny
Little Tunny
Euthynnus alletteratus
Life History
Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: Metallic overall, being steel-bluish above and silver below. Wavy stripes along the posterior portion of the back, several scattered dark spots below the pectoral fin and small finlets behind the second dorsal and anal fins are identifying characters.
Size: Common to 15 pounds
Age at Maturity: Females reach maturity at 10.6-14.6 inches in length while males mature at approximately 15.7 inches
Range: South Florida to Cape Cod, more numerous in south
Habitat: Found anywhere from close to shore to the open sea.
Angling Information
Bait and Tackle: Will take a large variety of natural or artificial lures but can be moody so you may have to try a wide variety to find something that works. Spinners, baitcasters, and fly gear all work.
Fishing Method: Drifting, trolling
Food Value: Very good when light meat is separated from dark
State Regulation
Daily Limit: Federal Regulations Apply
Minimum size: