Red Porgy

Red Porgy

Pagrus pagrus
Pink Porgy, Pinky

Life History

Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: The red porgy has a silvery-red body. There may be many tiny blue spots. If a specimen is available, this species can be identified clearly by the presence of a round rear nostril; this nostril is slit-like in other porgies.

Size: Around 2-3 pounds

Age at Maturity: Protogynous hermaphrodites: All females greater than 302 mm TL and age 4 are mature, males around 345.5 mm TL and 5.3 years

Range: Florida to New York, but will venture farther north

Habitat: Offshore water to 500 feet deep or more. In South Florida they stick to the deepest habitat. From North Florida to the Mid-Atlantic states, however, they are common in about 50 to 150 feet of water.

Angling Information

Bait and Tackle: Cut baits on heavy bottom rigs

Fishing Method: Drifting

Food Value: Excellent

State Regulation

Daily Limit: 3

Minimum size: 14″ TL

Federal Regulation

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