Spiny Dogfish
Spiny Dogfish
Squalus acanthias
Life History
Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: The Dorsal fins are both preceded by a single spine and the anal fin is absent. The color is slate-gray or brownish-gray above and pale gray to white below and the body is scattered with small white spots. The interdorsal ridge is weak. .
Size: Up to about 4½ feet
Age at Maturity: Females reach maturity at 12 years of age and from 29.9-30.1 inches in length, while most males mature at 6 years and about 23.6 inches in length.
Range: Greenland to Florida and Cuba but it is uncommon south of North Carolina.
Habitat: Coastal and offshore. Found in surface waters to 3,000 ft. and is usually near the bottom in waters between 43 and 52°F.
Angling Information
Bait and Tackle: Light gear works well such as spinning and baitcasting outfits.
Fishing Method: Still fishing, drifting
Food Value: Very good
State Regulation
Daily Limit: 1 (This is 1 fish limit from the small shark composite (SSC) which includes Atlantic sharpnose, Bonnethead, and Spiny dogfish)
Minimum size: 30″ FL