Striped Mullet

Striped Mullet

Mugil cephalus
Jumping Mullet

Life History

Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: Back and upper sides are dark bluish-gray or green with distinct horizontal black barrings; lower sides and belly are silvery and white. Tail is deeply forked. It has a blunt nose and small mouth.

Size: Can get up to 48” (SL), usually run around 1-3 pounds but 5-pounders are common and the maximum weight is probably around 10 pounds

Age at Maturity: Females mature in their 4th year when they are between 15.8 – 16.5 inches, males mature in their 3rd year when they are between 13-15 inches.

Range: Florida to Nova Scotia

Habitat: Shallow coastal waters and bays, ventures far into fresh water.

Angling Information

Bait and Tackle: Cast netting works best but they can also be caught with a cane pole. Baits include plastic or real worms, corn, bacon, etc. Fish must be taken when they mouth the bait since they will usually not eat it.

Fishing Method: Still fishing

Food Value: Excellent meat and roe

Marine Fishes of Georgia Posters

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