
Cynoscion regalis
Yellow Mouth Trout, Grey Trout
Life History
Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: Body greenish gray above and silvery below, back with small spots forming undulating diagonal dotted lines. Pelvic fins and anal fin yellowish other fins pale, sometimes with a yellowish tinge. Prominent canine teeth on tip of upper jaw.
Size:Maximum length of 40”, average 2-3 pounds but common to 6 pounds.
Age at Maturity: As early as 1 year
Range:From Cape Canaveral, Florida to New England.
Habitat:Found inshore during the summer months in estuaries and streams; move offshore during colder weather.
Angling Information
Bait and Tackle: Natural baits include shrimp, marine worms, crabs, squid, live small fish, and strips of fish. Spinning, baitcasting, light saltwater tackle and surf gear all work well for catching them. They will also go for a number or artificial lures including spoons, tin squids, jigs, and swimming plugs.
Fishing Method: Casting, drifting, still fishing, trolling
Food Value:Very good
State Regulation
Daily Limit: 1
Minimum size: 13″ TL
Season: All Year