White Grunt

White Grunt
Haemulon plumieri
Life History
Description and Diagnostic Characteristics: The white grunt is silver-gray, with numerous blue and yellow stripes on the body and head. On some individuals the scales are tipped with bronze. The pectoral fins are chalky and the other fins are gray. The lining of the body cavity, or peritoneum, is black.
Size: Around 8-10 inches
Age at Maturity: Around 8-10 inches
Range: New Jersey to South Florida and Bermuda
Habitat: Hard or rocky bottom with scattered coral or shell from near shore to up to 100 ft. depth.
Angling Information
Bait and Tackle: Cut baits or small jigs on spinning, plug casting, or light ocean rigs.
Fishing Method: Still fishing, drifting
Food Value: Very good as either a panfish or sometimes as a filet
State Regulation
Daily Limit: Federal Regulations Apply